- TOMO3D: a C++ parallel software package for 3-D joint refraction and reflection traveltime tomography.

MATLAB scripts
- IMAGE2SEGY Last version 3.04 (XI/2017): RASTER to SEG-Y Converter for seismic profiles.
Transforms raster images of seismic records on paper or film to geo-referenced Seg-Y files, compatible with Kingdom-Suite, Promax, SeiSee, and other industry standart software. Scan your old seismic paper recods or download images from Geologicals Surveys GIS servers and put it in your project displayed with your more recent digital lines in 3D. Very simple, fast and easy. Changes in Time Delay allowed.
Only Matlab (tested on versions 7.0 , and R2012) without Toolsboxes.
SegyMat (free) software is necesary.
References: Geo-Temas 10, 2008 (ISSN: 1567-5172), p. 1215-1218.
Help Video instruccions: YouTube Video (in french)

- SEGYGRAPHIC Extracts graphic files (jpg, bmp, tif) from all seg-y files from one directory.
- SegyTimeAdjust Script to correct small timing errors in the digitized seismic profiles using Image2segy.
- SEG4KING (version S9.12 - 2018) Matlab scritp to fit SEG-Y Seismic formats to KINGDOM SUITE. Transforms SEG-Y Lat-Lon fields to UTM meters with optional Resampling, Layback for shalow water towet sources, Interpolating, de-Spicking, Splitting if gaps, and Merging. Also can changes UTM Zone. File ranges, delays statistics and map displayed. "SegyMAT libray" is necesary. "Mapping Toolbox" if is instaled (not necessary) seismic lines map is displayed. Version 9 only for Matlab 8 or newer, the version 8 is included in the download for older matlab releases.

SEG4KING (V9) Main menu.

SEG4KING End display.

Real Signal data & Instantaneous Amplitude Envelope displays.

Profile unfiltered and filtered with spike interferences removal

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