Smith-Mackintyre Grab |
Seismic Reflection Profile |
Seismic Reflection Profile |
Piston Corer |
Piston Corer |
Piston Corer |
Piston Corer |
Piston Corer |
Piston Corer |
Piston Corer |
Piston Corer |
Core Catcher |
Piston Corer |
Gravity Corer |
Smith-Mackintyre Grab |
Multicorer |
Sediments Radiography |
Core content TAC |
Burrows in a core (from TAC) |
Testing Gravity Core |
Gravimeter |
Calibrating gravimeter on land station |
Marine Magnetometer |
Submarine ROV Camera |
B.I.O. Hespérides |
B.I.O Hespérides (seismic survey) |
B/O Sarmiento de Gamboa |
B/O Sarmiento de Gamboa |
R.R.V. "James Cook" |
Multibeam Echosounder quality control screen |
Multibeam Echosounder real time coverage control |
RVV "James Cook" Multibeam and Parametric echosounders control lab. |
Multibeam & Parametric echosunders aquisition lab. |
Parametric echosounder digital printer |
XBT Launcher ( Water Column Sound Velocity profiler) |
Very High Resolution AUV Multibeam |
Ifremer AUV |
Ifremer AUV ( Multibeam and Parametric Echosounders) |
IFREMER Launcher and AUV |
Alboran Sea multibeam data |
Multi-sensor tripod for the study of near-bottom ocean processes |
Multi-sensor mooring for the study of water column processes |
Tripod deployement |
Ones internes registrades amb una sonda hidrogràfica al Mar d'Alboran |
Niskin water samplers rossetta |
Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) deployement |
Ocean Bottom Seismometers |
OBS data recorders |
OBS data recorder Programing |
Ocean Bottom Seismometer |
Checking OBS transponder |
OBS deployement |